"When the guns shoot, the muses are silent."

Green Gallery: director: Daniel Manheim ; curator: Tanya Preminger.

The open-air environmental art gallery in Arsuf Kedem fields was created by the artists living there, Tanya Preminger and Daniel Mannheim in 2007. The gallery displays works of art in natural surroundings on the theme of nature and its laws, and it is expected that the works displayed in the gallery will have something of its order and harmony.
A man is just an imprint of his homeland,” Shaul Chernikhovsky said. And this can be said about art as well. It consists of impressions left by time and place, impressions of the land, landscapes and people. The nature of the land on which we grow, its nature, weather and landscapes, are absorbed by our consciousness, processed by our consciousness and the unconscious and then find a way out in artistic creation. It is not wars and conquests that create a nation. Culture and art do it. They give people common spiritual values and create a common understanding. It is they who strengthen the connection of man with his homeland and connect him with the entire universe.
We hope that our art will bring people closer to nature and provide them with spiritual oxygen.
The gallery presents all types and styles of Natural Art by local and foreign artists. Creations live and change depending on the season and the mood of nature. The gallery is open to visitors 24 hours a day all year round. Guided art tours are available by prior arrangement.

Dani Manheim, "World". Arsuf Kedem.
Opening at the Green Gallery
Tanya Preminger. "Loop of life".
Dani Manheim
GGG artists

About the Green Gallery- Guy Zohar TV show- "One exhibition a day"