Tanya Preminger  Site: www.tanyapreminger.com
Tanya Preminger: The Sculptor of Magnificence: - a book with a collection of Tanya's work. (Published on Amazon)

Tanya Preminger is a multi media artist and stone sculptor. Born in the Soviet Union. From 1972 lives, works and teaches in Israel.

Tanya Preminger is a pioneering Israeli sculptor and artist who has been active in various mediums both in Israel and worldwide for over 50 years. Preminger has won numerous awards internationally and in Israel. She was awarded the prestigious Arik Einstein Prize for a veteran artist in 2022.

From the judges' remarks on the Arik Einstein Prize:
Tanya Preminger is a groundbreaking sculptor who has been creating across diverse mediums for over fifty years. Her work encompasses a variety of sculpting techniques and materials such as earth, grass, wood, and stone, among others. Stone sculpture, ephemeral art, installations, performances, and photography are just a part of the disciplines she has explored throughout her career. Her perseverance in her life's work has propelled her forward, ensuring relevance, innovation, refinement, development, and mastery. Perhaps it is precisely because of the rich culture from which she hails that Preminger fearlessly pushes boundaries and creates freely from all perspectives, while remaining faithful to her ideology. This has led her to be an artist with a clear social agenda, through which, for decades, she has sought to raise awareness of environmental issues.
Tanya exhibits in galleries and museums as well as in public spaces and natural environments, where she engages in a meaningful dialogue between art, nature, and the public. She has represented Israel in dozens of exhibitions and symposiums worldwide.

Judging Panel: Susan Landau - Chair, Porat Solomon, and Adi Yakutieli.

2014 ”Essence” by the Green Gallery – open air gallery for environmental Art at Park Dina, Arsuf,Israel.
2012 “New works” by the Green Gallery – open air gallery for environmental Art at Park Dina, Arsuf.
2010 "Generations", exhibition of the Green Gallery. The Green gallery, Arsuf.
2009 "Exhibition by Shenkar Art School". The Green gallery, Arsuf.
2009 "Between Sky and Earth", exhibition of the Green Gallery. The Green gallery, Arsuf.
2007-2008 "Sprouts", exhibition of the Green Gallery. The Green gallery, Arsuf.
2006 "Between Past and Present" exhibition by Bat Ami Helerman at "The artists House" in Jerusalem.
2002 "Clothing", exhibition of Bat Ami Helerman. Efrat Gallery, Tel-Aviv.
2000 "The Artist at it's home - Stone Works". "Studio 7" artists, Israel.
1995 "Coexistence", "Horst Richter" Gallery. Jaffa, Israel.